Only a few spots available for this years edition of Mixed Mapta. We are closing in on 64 spots, which will be one of the largest in the country featuring entries this year as far away as Connecticut in the North and Montana from the West. We also have two current Platform Hall of Fame Players in the field, National Champions and some teams that are just out for a good time.

The fee is $120 which covers the day and includes a rocking party during the semi-finals on Saturday night. This is the 43rd year of holding the tournament and its proving to be the largest.

This years sponsors include McClaren Fabrication (for all of your Granite, Marble and other needs for Kitchens and Baths), Peak Fitness (to get your butt in shape), Blue Haven Pools (Custom Pools and Spa’s), TastyKake, and 23K Studios.

If interested, email Keith Studnick at ASAP before we reach 64 teams.

Down to the wire
Final five weeks to declare a champion

Keith Studnick