One way to reduce entry fees is to give tournament directors an option to offer no favors. In theory favors should be a nice memorabilia. In reality, both occasional and tournament players usually find no use for them. Moreover, favors present dilemma for tournament directors – how to get a useful favor for participants.
However, because of the budget limits it usually ends up being a hat, a t-shirt, or a light jacket that will most likely will end up at the back of a closet. Consider the Lake Invitational Women’s NRT/PCQ, directed by 3-time National Champion Ana Brzova. The tournament offered no favor and the entry fee was reduced to $150. Instead of complaints Ana received an overwhelming positive feedback for sparing participants a hat and thus reducing the price.
What would you choose – a higher entry fee and a favor, or no favor and lower entry fee.
Do you have an opinion?
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