Arapahoe_SnowThe latest round of nasty winter weather hit Eastern Colorado this past weekend with blizzard conditions that made travel very hazardous. The last Men’s NRT of the year before Nationals was scheduled to be played then and luckily got finished. To take a peak at the storm click HERE.

When it came down to playing, Bostrom-Jonason were the favorites to win and made it to the final without breaking a sweat. However, when two courts could not be used due to malfunctioning heaters and the back draw matches were still being played, main draw matches had to wait. Why was this a problem? Bostrom-Jonason had a plane to catch to get back to Connecticut and time was running out.

In the final, the Short Hills champs faced  Tom Houlihan and Curt Corrigan. The snow was falling so fast that the heaters could not handle it and the snow kept accumulating on the court. The balls would then “bounce” on the snow and literally die. Lobbing was the best strategy as when players looked up they could hardly see the ball. One very smart player wore ski goggles!

In a final that was shortened to a pro set, Houlihan-Corrigan beat Bostrom-Jonason 8-6 and won a tourney that, somehow was able to get done.

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2013 APTA Nationals, Ready, Set...

Patricio Misitrano