We are looking for traits that comprise the Most Interesting Paddle Player in the World.
Examples of such are below. If you have spotted any interesting traits, email them to studnick@gmail.com.
The best trait will win something (not sure yet what that is) and name announced on the website. Feel free to email more than 1 (if you have good ones).
He never calls up or down on the racket spin (usually calls sideways).
He usually drinks his beer before the match.
If his match goes longer than an hour, he declares the other team the winner.
He will sometimes call the score of the match before the point is played.
When his court has line judges, they ask him for his opinion.
He never wears shorts above 32 degrees.
He can hit overheads off of drop shots.
He let’s the ball hit the nick just to challenge himself.
He spikes his overheads out of the court for fun.
He will occasionally call the ball out before it touches the court.
He not only foot faults, he feet faults.
He rarely allows his partner to cross over past his own doubles alley.